Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Prayers and condolences on the loss of Dr. James Welch. My mother Mary Templeton was a WVU faculty colleague of your dad's and longtime friend of both your parents. She and I enjoyed their many stories of their international travels. I even visited their home and was shown many of their collected items from their many overseas experiwences. Your dad and mom always had warm greetings to those they met and big smiles and handshakes. His memory will long be recalled by those at WVU and in Morgantown he touched by his teaching and research , but also by his interactions with others from WVU and Morgantown communities. He was a loyal faculty member and he and your mom often attened the many related Univeristy picnics, meetings and receptions. Know he will be rememmbered for many years by all those who knew him and your mom.